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Bargain Starters, Volatile Health, And Really Working The Tailspins

“How did it come to this?”

Those are the words of Theoden, King of Rohan, as he readies his surviving garrison for an onslaught. They’re spoken with such an air of finality and courage… You can see why men across the Westfold flock on their steeds in service to their King.

As Theoden waits for death by the Uruks’ sword, his solemn reserve steadies his men to follow their leader to wrath, to ruin, and to the red dawn.

Now, sitting at 3-13, do the Grizzlies find their current situation quite as dire as this? As dire as what the Rohirrim were facing? An overwhelming number of Saruman’s twisted servants? I would hope the answer is no.

And yet as Memphis’ start of the season is close to coming off the rails, it’s a question worth asking… To better understand how following back-to-back 50-win seasons, they are now struggling to amass five total dubs on the season.

How did it come to this, indeed…

The most obvious cause for the dismal start of the season? The significant lack of “12” on the Grizzlies’ current roster. That should go without saying. But do their problems start and end there? Hell no.

If that were the case, I promise you they would have more than three wins. No, the Grizzlies’ issues are far deeper than just the absence of Morant.

What is equally to blame for the woeful start to the year is the rotten amount of injuries that fate has put on the roster. It has reached new levels of unfairness, if we’re being honest. In fact, we are only 15 games into the season, and half of the roster has already missed time due to various injuries.

There’s good injury luck, there’s bad injury luck, and then there’s whatever the Grizzlies are working with.

When teams are down as many guys as Memphis throughout the season… Well, you cobble what you can together when it comes to lineups. They’ve actually managed to “Frankenstein” together some tolerable lineups. But does tolerable often win games? No. And especially not against better, healthier teams.

Laying out the payroll allocation, and just how much “money” we are missing, is the first step in understanding the totality of the Grizzlies’ situation, in my opinion. If you know the money that’s hurt, as well as the money that’s starting, it is much easier to come to grips with their record on the season.

Now, would I say it makes it any easier to stomach? Not really. And there will still be some nausea-inducing lineups thrown out there, too.

But knowing how it came to this will go a long way in finding eventual peace with this current Memphis team. With the season spinning quickly out of control, any and all peace will be much appreciated.

The Grizzlies Volatile Health

First it was Brandon Clarke’s Achilles injury towards the end of last season. Then Ja Morant’s suspension. Followed by Steven Adams season-ending surgery. And that was before the season even started.

It wouldn’t be long before Luke Kennard and Marcus Smart found their way to the injury report, as well. For those keeping track at home that’s five of the top seven guys on the roster in talent terms. And five of the top six in contract terms.

Meaning five of the most expensive player contracts on the roster weren’t playing. Now, it has gotten so bad that the league awarded Memphis two additional hardship 10-day contracts. Even the league itself knows we’re hurting.

For context, no other team had five high-money guys missing time. One other team—the Pistons—had four players miss games… But their combined salaries wouldn’t even be top five if we ranked all the league’s injured money by team. Otherwise? The other 28 teams would only have three players or fewer with this designation.

Team Total # Injured Players
1) Memphis Grizzlies 5 players
2) Detroit Pistons4 players
3) 7 different teams3 players
4) 7 different teams2 players
5) 8 different teams1 player
Ranking of teams w/ most high-salary players (average $10 mil/year) missing at least 5 games. Click here for full list.

If you get down to the literal brass tax of it all, Memphis would lead all teams in the league. When it comes down to the salary cap amount allocated to players missing five or more games this season, no other team crests $90 million.

Team Total Injured Money
1) Memphis Grizzlies $92.0 million
2) Phoenix Suns$88.9 million
3) New Orleans Pelicans$81.6 million
4) Brooklyn Nets$73.1 million
5) Cleveland Cavaliers$62.9 million
Ranking of teams w/ the most money allocated to players missing at least 5 games. Click here for full list.

All this amounts to a higher-than-usual number of guys making an exhorbitant amount of money… Who aren’t actually playing basketball. Overcoming the loss of one—even two—player(s) is sometimes achievable, but five? That’s going to have you a few steps back the entire season. Which is… you know, never what you want.

The Grizzlies Inexpensive Starters

So, where does that leave Memphis for the foreseeable future? Other than a few steps behind everyone else in the league? Well… it leaves them with doing their best with the hand they’ve been dealt. Which, of course, is a lot easier said than done.

The Grizzlies are doing their damndest, though. Now, what all has that included? For starters, you’ll notice a plethora of rookie scale contracts on the roster.

Which shouldn’t surprise you.

Up until recently Memphis has been one of the youngest teams in the league. In fact, there’s only a single player on the roster with more than five years of NBA experience. At least, who has avoided injury thus far. That designation belongs to Bismack Biyombo, who, may I remind you, wasn’t on the roster until November 2nd.

Otherwise, the players receiving the majority of minutes remain on rookie deals. Des, Santi, Z, X, Junior are all still on their first NBA contract. Others like Jaren and ‘Jitty’ are on their rookie extensions. Oh, and their most consistent starting point guard is on a Two-Way contract.

Team Total Money Starting
1) Orlando Magic $33.9 million
2) Detroit Pistons$35.9 million
3) Memphis Grizzlies$40.8 million
4) San Antonio Spurs$51.0 million
5) Oklahoma City Thunder$69.9 million
Ranking of teams w/ the least amount allocated to players starting. Click here for full list.

So, what does any of that mean? Well, for starters, it means Memphis has one of the lowest amounts of payroll dedicated to dudes #1-5. Only $40.8 million to be exact. Considering Memphis has over $90 million worth of starters’ money on a healthy day… Yikes.

Well, it gets a little easier to see where that 3-12 record comes from, doesn’t it? Now, as soon as guys start getting healthy, this number stands to increase. Until then, though, Memphis has done about as admirable a job as anyone.

It has not equated to wins so far, but that $40.8 million dollar starting lineup? They’ve fought tooth and nail night in and night out. And isn’t that what you want? For your guys to not roll over against much better competition?

The Grizzlies Tailspin

And so… How did it come to this?

A ravaged roster and below average lineup combinations are a good place to start. In fact, no other team comes close. When it comes to injured players and the money they’re using to filed a starting lineup… There’s only one team I would say that comes close to Memphis in those terms.

Detroit. And the Pistons couldn’t be on further ends of the spectrum.

Memphis is a team ready to contend for a title, when healthy; Detroit is still rebuilding. Their injuries and payroll make sense. The Grizzlies does not.

Time will tell if, upon the arrival of reinforcements, it will be too little to late. When Morant returns, Memphis will be back to—almost—full strength. There’s a chance it won’t be enough.

I don’t know about y’all…

But for me? There’s loads of peace in knowing.

Photo Credit: (Brandon Dill/AP Photo)

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