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Insider Insights: Grizzlies Keep Pace With Timberwolves, Fall In 2nd Half

I for one so it going a bit different. With as injured as the Grizzlies were… And as healthy as the Timberwolves were… I saw this game having a much different outcome.

But dammit if Memphis refuses to go down without a fight. Got to love that Grit-N-Grind.

The boys fought hard and kept actual pace with the first place T-wolves. For most of the game it was a dogfight for control of it. That is until the fourth quarter… At which point it was Minnesota that began to impose their will.

Look there’s a reason why they’re in first place.

All that to say, there were still some bright spots in the game for the Grizzlies. In fact I found more than one thing to smile about at the conclusion of the contest as we move on to the next.

The (Un)Block(Able) Panther In Action

Even though the Grizzlies lost the game… There wasn’t a better player on the court than Jaren Jackson Jr. last night. Lordy Lordy he was capitol D-Dominate last night.

If we’re being honest, there wasn’t a single T-wolf that was able to do much of anything aginst the Block Panther. And for a team that has Anthony Edwards? That’s saying something.

In 27 minutes of action, he tallied 36 PTS, 3 REB, and an AST and BLK a piece. The real cherry on top of that sundae? His shooting efficiency. He was 65.2% from the field, on a whopping 50.% with his treys.

Considering that he did all that without fouling out? That’s pretty damn good. And it’s hard to ask much more from Jaren on offense.

Now… Could he stand to rebound a bit more? Without a doubt. Three rebounds for a legitimate 7-footer is unacceptable. But if Trip is able to keep up this level of offensive production?

I’d imagine we’ll be able to live with that level of rebounding—or lack thereof—if this offense continues.

Did ‘Nardo’ Find His Mojo?

Another player for Memphis that has to have fans smiling ear to ear after last night? ‘Cool Hand’ Luke Kennard. Hot damn did he show up last night.

After back to back seasons of leading the league in 3PT%, Kennard has seen his production… Dip—to be nice about it—this season. Now does some of that have to do with the various nagging injuries plaguing him this season?

Sure. But that doesn’t mean he’s capable of getting back on track. And after last night? It looks as if he very well may be on his way.

Kennard was good for 18 PTS, 2 REB, 2 AST, and 1 STL. The kicker? His shooting percentages. Last night his splits were as follows:

Alright, now we’re cooking with gas. Those numbers are reminiscent of the Luke Kennard season’s of old, and worth keeping an eye on. Because as is, it’s worth noting Kennard has yet ink his extension with the Grizzlies.

I for one am of the mindset ‘Nardo’ is an integral part to this team’s future. Zach Kleiman may not share my sentiment though. As the trade deadline nears, Kennard should want to play lights out to up his value.

Not to mention, the Grizzlies are going to need every bit of offense they’re able to juice out of him the rest of the year. Ravished by injuries, the guaranteed buckets on the roster remain limited. Luke is one of those guaranteed buckets.

And Memphis needs him to have more nights like last night to stay afloat the rest of the season. It’s as simple as that.

Photo Credit: (Matt Krohn/AP Photo)

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