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NBA Grants Memphis Disabled Player Exception

As the sun set Thursday, the Grizzlies were finally treated to positive news for change. As opposed to resulting in hand wringing and hair pulling… This news was cause for the smallest bit of hope…

The NBA granted Memphis a Disabled Player Exception. The exception is the result of Steven Adams’ season-ending injury. How much is this one worth?

Approximately $6.3 million dollars.

Well, guess we should add it to the list of exceptions the Grizzlies have. You know the list? The “Exceptions we may or may not use” list. On said list is:

So what differentiates the Diabled Player Exception from the others on the list? Well, you can determine the value by halving the disabled players contract. It is either that or the MLE which ever is lesser. In this case the lesser option is half of Steve O’s $12.6 million dollar deal.

Memphis may then trade for a player, claim someone off of waivers, or sign a free agent. They can only use the exception on one player, and the deal may only be for a single year. If claimed or traded for, that player is only allowed to have one year left on their deals.

So the whole “one year” thing is important for this exception. The last important thing to note is that this exception does not free up a roster spot. That means that some roster navigation will still need to happen. How that occurs (via trade, someone being cut, etc.) remains to be seen.

In the end, there is a chance Memphis may not even utilize this exception. But having more options to get creative with and/or improve your roster is never a bad thing. Time will tell whether or not this development truly has significance.

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