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Suck It Trudeau | Memphis Grizzlies @ Toronto Raptors Postgame Show | Grizz 901

The fellas come in after a professional win in which everyone played pretty dang well. After Nate nails yet another edition of Grizz Trivia, they discuss another Grizz trade scenario and break down why certain moves just don’t make sense. They wrap it up with a preview of Wednesday night when the Grizz take their talents to South Beach. ———————————-
By Nathan Qualls | January 22, 2024, 10:37 pm | 1 comments

The fellas come in after a professional win in which everyone played pretty dang well. After Nate nails yet another edition of Grizz Trivia, they discuss another Grizz trade scenario and break down why certain moves just don’t make sense. They wrap it up with a preview of Wednesday night when the Grizz take their talents to South Beach.
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    C­­h­­e­­c­­k­­ It………………………..

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