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GBBLIVE: How the Grizzlies can Get Right with Joe Mullinax

Shawn Coleman welcomes Joe Mullinax of Locked on Grizzlies and Bluff City Media to discuss the Grizzlies at the two week mark of the season: Shawn and Joe dive into the biggest reasons for the Grizzlies struggles so far but also discuss how results can get better moving forward, plus: -Where the Grizzlies have struggled the most -Managing the lack
By Shawn Coleman - November 10, 2023, 2:33 pm - 1 comments

Shawn Coleman welcomes Joe Mullinax of Locked on Grizzlies and Bluff City Media to discuss the Grizzlies at the two week mark of the season:

Shawn and Joe dive into the biggest reasons for the Grizzlies struggles so far but also discuss how results can get better moving forward, plus:

-Where the Grizzlies have struggled the most

-Managing the lack of contributions from the young wings

-If Kennard starts, how does the bench look

-At what point does the hope for the season change

-Jaren and Des’s success to start the season

-How to improve in the quickest fashion


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