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On The Bluff Ep 53: Memphis Dominates Missouri; What Happened to the Tigers Defense

Welcome to On The Bluff Episode 53! Show Rundown: – Memphis dominates Missouri – Who impressed the most? – AP Top 25 snub? – Memphis narrowly beats Charlotte – What happened to the Tiger defense? – A bigger problem than we could’ve imagined – Alabama & Georgia flexed their muscles – Coaching fires in the SEC – CJ Stroud is
By Kenny Stubblefield | November 15, 2023, 2:38 am | 1 comments

Welcome to On The Bluff Episode 53!

Show Rundown:

– Memphis dominates Missouri

– Who impressed the most?

– AP Top 25 snub?

– Memphis narrowly beats Charlotte

– What happened to the Tiger defense?

– A bigger problem than we could’ve imagined

– Alabama & Georgia flexed their muscles

– Coaching fires in the SEC

– CJ Stroud is a revelation


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    A l­o­o­k a­t i­t———————————— >>>

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